Monday, November 06, 2006

Hush Plane

Having spent entirely too much time on planes over the past few days, I was pleased to read that a team of researchers are working on a silent and extremely fuel efficient aircraft. Less noise and less fossil fuel use! Everyone wins (except Middle Eastern dictators)! The innovative design blends the fuselage and wings, making it amazingly streamlined and a dead ringer for Queen Amidala’s spaceship. Unfortunately, the plane isn’t expected to be built until 2030, which is too bad because I plan to have a personal rocketpack by then and will no longer be flying commerically. Read about it.

ASIDE: I haven’t flown JetBlue in ages, and I had a great time. DirectTV, animal crackers, leather seats, friendly stewardesses, tons of leg room. Oh, and it’s really cheap.

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